MISSION: What is our purpose...
Creating Exceptional Experiences
It is the experience that counts! We create memories for all ages in their athletic, recreation, education and social pursuits. We complement our excellent facilities by providing exceptional experiences to our members, guests, employees and the community.

VISION: What we aspire to be...
To be our members’ second home, providing excellence in all that we do.
The Glencoe Club is the next best place to be, other than home, for our members, guests and employees. We care for them and treat them as our family. While providing many of the comforts of home, our Clubs strive to be all-inclusive facilities for our families. We excel in all that we provide.

VALUES: What is important to us...

- We recognize and respect all individual’s unique contributions.
- We welcome diversity and respect all protected grounds under Alberta Human Rights legislation.
- We listen to different viewpoints, opinions, thoughts and ideas and embrace a culture of inclusion.
- We respect the environment and reduce our carbon footprint.
- We treat our members, guests, employees, community and suppliers with respect.
- We respect each other, our history and the Club’s facilities.

- We have a commitment to the health, fitness, well-being and safety of our members, guests and employees.
- We value physical, mental, social and environmental well-being.
- We provide programs and opportunities to enhance wellness for members and employees.

- We do the right thing as if someone is watching and evaluating everything we do.
- We are honest, truthful and honourable.
- We have trust in trustworthy people.
- We say what we mean and we do what we say.
- We act with the highest ethics in everything that we do.

- Relationships are the cornerstone of the Club’s success.
- Effective communication is essential to a great relationship.
- We value the fostering and cultivation of great relationships with members, family members, friends, employees, relatives, networks, associates and our community.

- Members and staff care about the Club, each other and the community.
- We provide excellent service in all that we do that is thoughtful, considerate, helpful and empathetic.
- We treat people as if they are special guests in our home.
- We care about and honour our history.

- We always look for better ways to do things.
- We value training and continuous improvement to be innovative leaders in all that we do.
- We strive to be on the leading edge with our services, policies, facilities and communications.
At The Glencoe Club you are welcomed, accepted and respected regardless of your race, marital or family status, gender identity or expression, age, disability, religious belief or non-belief.
We ask that you be ethical, excellent and inclusive in all that you do, and most importantly, have fun!